Saturday, February 27, 2016

Iqyax Update (MAE 593)

The Iqyax, from David Zimmerly's drawing of MAE-593,  is done, floats, paddles. I started this but FireFox crashed, so I probably lost some of it. Definitely lost some writing. Later.


The  split bow. The piece running horizontally may not be historically correct, but it does 'fair' the line to the second stringer. The First Stringer (lowest) starts farther back. 
Aft. Should be nothing unusual here. If you look close you can see how I bolted the drain fitting to the Aft-board. See below for more info on the drain. I split and reglued the aft-board because it was warping.
The Ballistic Nylon, coating and sewing materials came from Corey Freidman of the Skinboat store and workshop. Great skin boat builder, teacher, supplier, resource. I watched his videos dozens of times. I really loved sewing the skin.  I think I used the 850 Ballistic Nylon skin. Great stuff.

My Iqyax is done, I've been paddling it.

 The coaming turned out nice, actually the second coaming turned out nice.

Without the outriggers (ama) it's too tippy.
The outriggers work great, are really lightweight and do not sit in the water all the time. Just the poles and the floats stabilize the Iqyax, instead of being jittery it's just tippy. Major change. Many kayaks could benefit from this style outrigger. You get stability, safety but very little increased drag.

I'll try to add some photos.

Alamitos Bay Beach, The outriggers, rudder parked. I can reach back and adjust the outriggers from the cockpit. I first planned to have two outrigger poles (iako) and I designed my floats (ama) for two or three. These are the third set of floats I've made. They usually just 'kiss' the water instead of ride in it. If I get going, lean to one side to plant the float, I don't turn in that direction. They are tall. I wanted the volume to be at least as much as a good paddle float so that if I need to use them for reentry I wouldn't have a problem.
NOTE: buoyancy and floats. We've all pushed a beach ball below the surface, and it popped up and smashed us in the face. Most of us have a 'common sense' understanding that the more you sink something buoyant, the more it pushes up. What is not 'common sense' or intuitive is that once a float is submerged--the push-up increase stops. Whatever force is needed to push it under is all the force needed to move it anywhere underwater. Suppose you have a float that provides 22 pounds of buoyancy, (this is 10 kg which means that it has 10 liters of volume and doesn't weigh very much, 10 liters is about 10 quarts). If you attach 22 pounds of weight to it, then it will be 'neutrally buoyant' meaning any more weight will sink it. Once something is neutrally buoyant, very little additional force will be able to make it sink to the bottom of the ocean or keep it near the surface. For an outrigger, this means that once you've submerged it--going all the way around is easy. If you need that float, it needs to be more than what you need it for.  (If this isn't clear, let me know. Might save your life.)

This is the 'pretty picture' none of the add on stuff that keeps me from drowning. Weighs about 45 pounds. As pictured without outriggers: Aleut Suicide Machine. (At some point I'll find a young paddling prodigy and let him put this fella through his paces. [Oh, you didn't know? kayaks, iqyax are male.]

I had to install a rudder. Something is amiss with the hull, the Keelson looks dead straight, but the iqyax turns in a big left circle about 100 meters in diameter. Pretty bad. I'm embarrassed to have to confess this. I use the rudder as trim, I've got two lines running to it and held in jam cleats. It's a bit cumbersome setting it, but once set I can leave it until I change direction and encounter different currents, etc...)

So far it's kind of a slow craft. I was 4.3 knots consistently in my Great Auk, 17' 23" beam. And about the same in my Mystery 20' 16" beam (but no GPS just times over the same routes). The iqyax seems to be about 3.3 knots. This is all smooth ocean, light winds. I'm not in as good a shape as I was a few years ago, but I'm not a slug, so....I also might be running the iqyax off beam through the water because of the turning problem and the rudder correction. I think I've demonstrated (but not proved) that skin boats can be as fast as solid hulls. But I'm not even close to figuring out what the Aleuts were able to do.
Below is the drain I put at the aft end on top. It's 1" PVC a threaded male fitting, bolted to the the vertical aft-board--right through the center of the fitting and nutted on the other side of the aft-board. This works really well!  I keep a few of the caps in my car. I just need to make a piano wire retaining clip, around the bolt inside and right through the center of the cap. This drains the hull really well. I'll install this on my wooden yaks when I get to it. Better than the little black one with the two screws. The rubber padding is just 1/4" yoga mat. Great stuff. I just cut a slightly smaller hole in the ballistic nylon and stretched it on to the fitting.

IOS>Settings>Restrictions>Passcode Wha ???

I had a problem with my iPhone. Somehow I had another password buried in my Settings. It caused a lot of problems, most notably it made the App Store App icon disappear keeping me from Updating any of my Apps.
There are two ways a Restrictions>Passcode is on your phone.
1. Your parents put it there to keep you from downloading expensive games from the App Store. This is not about that. or
2. You discover that  you can not get a new App or update an old App on you iPhone. Eventually you discover there's another password: known as Passcode in your settings. You have no idea how it got there. 

Apple would not allow me to post the following: (someone complained that 2014 this was still a not uncommon problem) [ added after Apple's rejection]

Feb 2016 IOS 9.2.1 Same problem is still going on.  Apple Care wasn't much help with Restrictions>Passcode. I finally figured out the sequence of events that leads to this mess. It's not your fault, it's not magic, it's not a bug--it's really just bad design. It's a trap.

First of all, kiddies who are trying to get around Restrictions? This doesn't apply. Your parents intentionally sought to use this to keep you out of trouble. They knew what they were doing when they setup the passcode. [psst: try grandma's birthday]
This is for the rest of us who stumbled into this: We are poking around the Settings investigating and learning. Probably those of us who uncheck the box "Please send me info every day, even better every five minutes!'
We see Restrictions. OK, what is this? We enter and we are immediately presented with a menu of stuff, and at the top it says, "Enable Restrictions" OK we're curious so we select the button and we are asked to enter a Passcode.
This key pad looks different than the one [you see] when you wake-up your phone. (I remembered it as being in a different order, like phones and calculators are different. It is not.) So you type in your PassWORD.  Mine is longer than 4 digits. This causes a problem, [but] as soon as you enter 4 digits the code is set and you go to the next step [no enter button to push, no moment of reflection]-you've just triggered the trap before you were aware something was different.   But you don't know this yet because you are looking at the lists of options that [seem like they will] should make your phone less intrusive: Push Notifications, Please Annoy Often and with strange noises, etc...  terrific. Good, [you think] I no longer want my phone to remind me in the middle of a meeting that I need to update Angry Toads...
But now [when you select some of the options for] the App Store[, it] disappears, along with the ability to update Apps when you select some of the options for it, [B]ut there is no way to know this until two weeks[, or two months] later when your Audible App stops working. You call for help, they tell you, update the app--but you can't find the App Store icon to do this..
Eventually you figure out it's this Restrictions thing and the Passcode is not your Password--You don't know what it is, because you don't remember setting it up. If it is the first four digits of your Pass[word]code you are in, and you are not reading this...
What happened to me is this turned out to be a variation of my password. I think the different key pad may be to alert you to the fact that you are now doing something different, maybe some people get it, those of us looking for help missed this too subtle tip. (I will not be a beta tester of the AppleCar. [everybody knows pressing the Home button parks the car, nobody presses the Home button when they're on the freeway....])
Apple Care told me that if I tried it 6 times and failed, it would lock my phone and I would have to Restore to New: lose information, my text messages and my mind.

This is not the case. After you fail for the 6th time, it just starts making you wait. First 1 minute. I got in on the 7th attempt, so I don't know what happens after that, but the best sources say 5 minutes, 15, 30 then 60 minutes. Some people report that they are on their 180th attempt, others that if you manually change the time on your phone you can just change the clock ahead and keep trying.

What I did. I made a list of the most likely numbers. First of all your Password, probably variations and [remember] only 4 digits--what do you sometimes mix up? If you are here reading this, you've already tried the first four digits of your password and it didn't work. Also we all have a couple of numbers we use for moderate security,  which if you are not trying to keep your kids out of trouble you might have used.
This Restrictions Passcode happens because it is one of those many areas in our digital world where as soon as you move on to the next step, you completely forget what just happened--the design of it almost guarantees this will happen. The less you know about Restrictions, the more likely you are to get in this mess.

I can tell you a number, then say 'remember it, I'll ask you for it later,'  I'll then change the subject. When I ask you five minutes later for the number you won't have a clue. It's why it's so easy to forget someone's name when you first meet.
Make the list, because as you get frustrated you will forget or doubt your accuracy. (This is why asking for a password once a week helps you remember it, but every fifteen minutes or every five minutes or every 10 seconds screws you up.) When you have your list, start working through it. If you first make a back-up to iTunes, after you get to the 30 minute waits, you can revert to the back-up. This should reset the Failed Attempts count, but I'm not sure. Restoring to a back-up, unless the Passcode is brand new, will not remove it.
I lost a full day and a lot of frustration because Apple Care scared me and I didn't want to risk that 6th attempt. I finally got through at the 7th.
This nonsense should not be happening to us 30 years into personal computing.<<end
Now is this so bad that Apple wouldn't allow me to share it with others?
Who's Big Brother now?